1: The book was written by a prophet named Micah, whose contemporaries were Isaiah, Amos, and Hosea.

2-7: Micah warns of the coming destruction to Judah and Samaria for their idolatry (verse 7). The apocalyptic language of God coming down and destroying the land could be referring to Jesus' ultimate judgement, or it could be figurative for His use of enemy nations in judging them.

8-15: Micah lamented because the the wound of their judgment was incurable; it was coming and there was nothing he, or anyone else could do to stop it.

16: Micah called them to shave their heads bald (a sign of repentance in their culture) because their children would go into captivity.


1-5: The wicked premeditate evil as they lay in bed, performing it the first chance they get (verse 1). They stole land and houses, bringing judgment upon themselves in the form of foreign invaders taking everything they have (verse 5).

6-7: The people demanded Micah not preach against them but he stayed faithful to God. They were used to prophets who told them what they wanted to hear (Micah 3:5).

8-13: Although God would judge Israel for their sins, he promised to gather the faithful remnant and guide them.


1-4: The rulers of Israel during Micah's time were deeply corrupt and destroyed their own people, yet still sought God's blessings. His poetic, graphic description of slaughter illustrated the cannabalistic nature of injustice toward their own people. God "hid his face" from the evil rulers, not answering their prayer because of their deeds.   

5-8: The corrupt prophets of Israel prophesied for personal gain. If they were fed their prophecies would be positive, if not, they were negative. Therefore, God blocked all of their prophetic knowledge, bringing them to shame.  In contrast, Micah was filled with the Holy Spirit and boldly declared the sins of Israel's leaders. 

9-12: Micah exposed the corruption of the Judges, Priests, and prophets who do evil at the expense of their people for personal gain. He foretold the coming destruction of Jerusalem as consequence for their evil.


1-8: The "latter days" referred to here are after Christ's return. It will be a time of perfect peace where Jesus will rule from Jerusalem forever. 

9-13: Before the coming kingdom Israel had to endure the Babylonian captivity. However, God would rescue Israel and use them to judge and destroy the nations that assembled against them. 


2-4: This prophecy refers to Jesus. He is the ruler born out of Bethlehem who would shepherd his people in the strength of the Lord. Verse 2 is a reference to his eternal nature, "whose coming forth is from of old, from ancient days".

5: Jesus brings peace between God the Father and his people, and after his second coming He will maintain peace throughout eternity. In this way "He shall be their peace".

7: The remnant of Israel (Jacob) is scattered throughout the nations. These are the true followers of God among the Jewish people under the old covenant and those who have received Christ as messiah. While Gentiles are also part of God's remnant, these verses only focus on Israel. 

8-15: When Jesus returns he will destroy Israel's pagan enemies who rejected and disobeyed God. He will destroy everything that his people put their faith in for protection and comfort. This list includes horses, chariots, strongholds, and even cities because they relied on and trusted these things to protect them. He will purify his people and destroy all idols, sorceries, carved images, and fortune tellers.


1-5: This is God's indictment of Israel. Despite all He has blessed them with, such as saving them from slavery, they continued to disobey God by worshiping idols. The continued theme throughout the prophets is indictment for disobedient Israel as a whole, but blessings for the faithful remnant.

6-8: The convicted Israelites ask what God requires of them. They are misguided in thinking that the act of animal, or even human sacrifices could please God. While animal sacrifices where provided as a means of atonement in the old covenant, they were never intended to be a substitute for obedience. What God required was that they "do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with their God." This sentiment is true for God's people today as well; He requires obedience over religious rituals.

9-16: God promises to punish the wicked. He promised that the greedy, deceitful, violent, lying, idolaters will be punished. They wouldn't find satisfaction or in eating or prosperity in work and all that they stored up would be robbed. The wicked would become an object of scorn for God's people.


1-7: All the people around Micah were corrupt, violent and dishonest. He likened finding a righteous man to searching for a grape in a desolate vineyard after it's been gleaned.  Yet despite the surrounding wickedness, Micah waited for God, prayed, and trusted in Him.

8-12: Israel's enemies are warned not to rejoice over Israel when it falls because it will rise again and bring shame to scoffers who ask where their God is.

13-17: Micah prays to the God that he would shepherd his people and work miracles. The observing nations would then be brought low, fearing God.

18-20: God is compassionate and forgives the sins of His remnant (those who trusted in him then and now) because he swore He would.